Does the dark matter exist?

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Does the Dark Universe exist?

Over the last fifty years, our picture of the
Universe and what it is made of has radically
changed. We interpret properties of the
Universe through the light and radio waves
from galaxies. This has led to the discovery
that most of the universe is “dark”!

What you need to know before the debate:

The Big Bang is the widely accepted beginning of the Universe.

The Universe has been expanding ever since.

At the beginning the Universe was small, dense and hot.

As the Universe expanded it cooled. The afterglow of this hot
beginning is Cosmic
Microwave Background or CMB.

We can observe the CMB with radio telescopes such as the Planck satellite.

All the mass we see on Earth and in all the other galaxies in space is
thought to account
for only 4% of the total mass in the Universe.

The mass we can’t see is called Dark Matter.

Even though we can’t see it we know it must be there because we can
detect it’s gravitational effects.

Scientists are also trying to detect dark matter particles in deep
mines underground and
in particle accelerators like the LHC at CERN.

Observations of exploding stars called supernovae were used to show
that the Universe
is speeding up, not slowing down as expected - the Universe is accelerating.

This discovery lead to the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011.

This accelerated expansion is attributed to an unknown Dark Energy.

Dark Energy constitutes 73% of the Universe.

In Einstein’s theory of General Relativity the dark energy is most
likely the repulsive energy of empty space, but may be something more
exotic - we just don’t know!

Alternatively, it might be that General Relativity might not work at
very large distances and
we need to change our theory of gravity.

The Multi-verse is the idea that there are many other Universes besides our own.

See attachment, link and YTube video for related topics. ... r_embedded ... 2iNA01dMCO
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