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Complete LaTeX Template for Writing Thesis/Dissertation

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 12:57 pm
by Eli
Following requests by a number of colleagues, I have decided to prepare a LaTeX template for thesis/dissertation writing. I have adopted two famous referencing and citation styles, the first one lists numbered references [1], [2], [3], ..., the second one uses the Author-Year citation. In addition, templates are customized to print out only the first four author names whenever the reference entry has more than five authors because some references are really very long!

See here for more details managing-bibliography-and-citation-in-latex-6185

Here is the first style output:

To get the second style output, replace

\usepackage[square, sort & compress, comma, numbers, sectionbib]{natbib} by

\usepackage[round]{natbib} in the preamble, and change the bibliography style by replacing \bibliographystyle{TSSFL_v1} with \bibliographystyle{TSSFL_v2}.

Here is the second style output:

The full template in .zip format is attached. Unzip the contents and run TSSFL_LaTeX_Thesis_Template.tex; once it works, customize to suit your needs.

Delete the outputs, .bbl, and .aux files before switching to another style and compiling to avoid any possible conflicts/errors or Open in Overleaf to create the project and compile it right away.

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